Water Management for Oil & Gas

Sparkle has been instrumental in tackling the challenge of converting oil-rich effluent to the state of making water reinjectable.

Specific applications like removal of oil from oil rich effluent is done by Sparkle by using technologies like induced gas flotation, dissolved air flotation, Walnut shell filters and special type of ultrafiltration. This is widely used for the effluent of oil fields.


Oil Separation
Oil Separation

As a special treatment for oil removal from oil rich effluent additional equipment are employed.

The conventional treatment like coagulation / flocculation becomes the primary treatment for oil rich effluent.

TPI / CPI is followed by IGF / Dissolved Air Flotation are installed to treat emulsified oil. The above water is then treated in a Walnut shell filter which reduce the oil content effluent to around 10ppm.

Ultrafiltration is the final / polishing treatment is given to the above treated effluent. The elaborated treatment as above enables the water / effluent to be the standard of the injection.

Setting / Coagulation / Flocculation
Setting / Coagulation / Flocculation

Coagulation is predominantly used in effluent water treatment processes for separation of free oil, solids removal, water clarification, lime softening, sludge thickening, and solids dewatering. The negative electrical charge on particles are neutralized, which destabilizes the forces keeping colloids apart.

Clari Flocculation is a combination of clarifier and flocculation. There is a separate chamber provided for dossing flocculants in the unit. There are many types of Clari Flocculators like Central drive, peripheral drive, agitator gate type etc.