Sumeet Mehra
Sumeet Mehra

President & CEO

Sumeet Mehra

President & CEO

Before joining Sparkle, Sumeet had been Executive Director at SSM Ltd., a publicly traded company in India. Appointed as Chief Executive Officer in 1998, he soon joined its Board of Directors in 1999. Under his able leadership, SSM successfully implemented water recycling systems and effluent treatment plants for reusing textile wastewater, a concept that soon gained widespread recognition in the industry. With his 24 years of experience, he continues to customize and innovate systems dealing with water use efficiency. A philanthropist by nature, he offers his honorary services to two non-profit organizations devoted to the cause of advancing youth in business and addressing poverty in Mumbai.

Sumeet received his Bachelor of Commerce from Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics and a Business Degree at Harvard University.

Chetan Shah
Chetan Shah

Chief Financial Officer

Chetan Shah

Chief Financial Officer

Chetan has over 20 years of experience in a diverse range of industries such as Manufacturing, Technology, Investment and Retail. His extensive experience is in both strategic and operational areas like Business Planning and Budgeting, Business valuation, Due diligence, Financial and Management Accounting

Chetan is a qualified Chartered Accountant and had received his Bachelor of Commerce at University of Mumbai.


Anil Potdar

Sr. Manager QA / QC

Mahesh Giram

Manager – Sales

Narendra Ingale

Sr. Technical Manager(Quality Control)

Pradip Mankame

General Manager Factory

Rakesh Ranjan

Manager - Project Engineering

Ritu Nangia

Deputy General Manager Supply Chain & Projects

Umesh Pal

DGM – Proposal and Process